For the service

Dedicated functions for companies with service technicians / installers provide real support in carrying out fast and cost-effective certification processes.

Control the technical knowledge of technicians

Reduce the number of calls and complaints in the technical department, which are often due to problems with installation or service rather than product quality. Give technicians access to resources with technical instructions to prevent such problems. Improper product understanding by installers can put marketing efforts at risk, so it is important to provide them with quick and easy access to product policies, quality guidelines, technical specifications and offering updates.

Essential resources for technicians and service technicians

The service technician and installer should effectively assimilate the most important information in the shortest possible time. Instructions, complex technical descriptions presented in a user-friendly way in the form of animations and job instructions in the form of videos can now be conveyed thanks to the Learn Up platform. A knowledgeable service technician and installer will reduce mistakes. The Learn Up platform will help you learn all the information at a specific pace, on your own at any time, any place and on any device.

Implementation and certification of a new person

The Learn Up platform also offers a convenient way to certify service technicians and installers. This works in a comprehensive way: the platform not only helps with the induction and training process, but also plays a key role in verifying their technical knowledge. This process is made possible through tailored tests that assess the practical skills and knowledge of employees. Positive results from these tests are automatically processed by the system, which generates certificates for those who have acquired the appropriate level of technical knowledge.

Contact us

We would be happy to present our solutions and years of experience during a short 30-minute online presentation. When would be the best time to talk?

Tomasz Hoffmann
Feel free to contact us!

Tomasz Hoffmann
Learn Up CEO

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